A magical gathering awaits you at Meydenbauer Center! We cordially invite you to “A Knot in Time,” a wondrous exploration through the ever-changing seasons. Delight the senses while sipping whimsical cocktails and savoring culinary delights, a fusion of tastes inspired by the changing seasons, prepared by Meydenbauer’s own masterful culinary team. Mingle with industry professionals, and be inspired by what’s possible at your next event with the help of local vendors and the Meydenbauer Center. Kindly grace us with your response by September 20th, and become an essential part of this enchanted event “A Knot in Time.”

Thank you to our sponsors and partners! Check out their websites for more information.


Av Factory

Cort Party Rental

Fena Flowers

Noble Event Rentals

The Great Surprisal

Twinkle Trees


The Puget Sound Photo Booth Co.

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Meydenbauer Center